Monthly Archives: February 2015

“No One Has To Be Good At Everything” Isabel Briggs Myers

A few nights ago, I shared dinner with a group of women as we celebrated a friends sixtieth birthday. If you haven’t noticed, women in groups have an enormous amount of fun and produce as much laughter as conversation. I don’t know how songs of the 60’s and 70’s became a topic, but there was singing. Well there was singing by two of us. I don’t know what was wrong with the other twelve 🙂

I haven’t mastered the art of boundaries very well; it’s somewhat boring. I figure the lack of them is why I have so much fun.  I cannot carry a tune at all, in fact I’m not sure I ever could. Even my vocal cords are old.  I have vivid memories of singing along to country music when driving and hearing my children asking me to stop. I don’t doubt it; I did sort of ruin the song. So, even though I’m keenly aware of my lack of pitch or tone; I sang.

Some things I do well. I started to sew when I was twelve. Girls were required to wear dresses to school and I made most of mine. Home Economics was taught in every school and I remember well, the skirt I made in 7th grade. I can see the fabric and being told to take out the zipper and re-do it. I remember the dress I made in 8th grade as well and the style show that we put on for our moms. I continued sewing through college and even today, when I’m sewing, I’m in my zone.

Sewing in the quiet of my home; I have time to entertain thoughts that surface easily without the distractions of a real job. I tend to be a thinker and I know myself pretty well. Before my teaching years I was introduced to the Myers Briggs Personality Profile. That was before computers and before google. There are pages of related links, but I went directly to the source. I recognized my four letter personality type as if I studied it yesterday. Yep, it still fits like a glove. This passion for the arts, attention to detail, extreme joy in creativity and adherence to quality (perfectionism) lives within me along with a few other things that I was reminded could use a little tempering.

Understanding oneself while being aware of differences in others is key to achieving peace and joy in our relationships. If I want to be understood, I can choose my words to explain where I’m at, what I feel, what I need etc., but not all people will be able to relate or understand. That’s alright. All we need is affirmation and the gift of being valued for who we are. What this has to do with Teddy Bears has escaped me, but this seems like something worthy to share.

The Teddy just completed, is what led me on this inner quest. For that I am thankful.s.001-2s.001-3


What We Cherish Most

With age comes wisdom.  It’s quite enjoyable, but losing my keys, glasses and phone on a regular basis is not. The daily list and calendar; well I should wear them around my neck.

There are precious memories that thankfully never fade. I can’t tell you how old I was. I don’t remember the season or what happened to make me so sad, but I remember walking up the steps with Grandma by my side and she said something that made me laugh and my sadness disappeared.

Grandparents are a gift that last a lifetime. I just don’t know how l became one so fast. It seems like I was a multi-tasking genius juggling the schedules of four children just a few years ago. All of a sudden I have gray hair and wrinkles that I can’t wish away and my keys keep hiding.

I can only visit my grandparents in my heart. I cherish the memories and the things I have saved; most importantly the memories that cannot fade. They are cemented in my heart.

Now I find myself making memories with my own grandchildren. Without the job of parenting, children can be quite entertaining all the time. I even find the pouts and bursts of angry energy quite entertaining.

It’s magical and wonderful too, that holding a teddy bear made from someone’s clothing brings warmth and comfort and a sometimes needed smile. What we cherish most is each other. Nothing we possess is more important than the people we love. Celebrate that!ethan.002